Attention Variable Pension Benefit Members: Important Year-end Payment Information

As 2024 comes to a close there are timelines you need to be aware of for submitting lump-sum payment requests to ensure your payment is processed within the 2024 tax reporting period.

Investment Information

Here are some documents that will explain PEPP's approach to investing.

Statement of Investment Policies and Goals (SIP&G)

The primary purpose of this policy statement (the Policy) is to ensure the prudent investment and administration of the PEPP assets. In addition, the Policy is to provide a framework for management of the Investment Options within levels of risk acceptable to the Public Employees Pension Board.

 Statement of Investment Policies and Goals

Information Summary to Investment Options in PEPP

The Information Summary provides members with detailed disclosure regarding the Plan’s Investment Options and the policies that govern those options. The Information Summary is updated on an annual basis to reflect changes in the Public Employees Pension Board policy and Plan statistics.

 Information Summary to Investment Options in PEPP

Holdings Reports

Holding Reports provide information on the actual holdings, pricing, and market values of each of PEPP's investment options.

 PEPP Funds Holdings Report

 Investment Funds Holdings Report

Investor Risk

Provides information on the risk associated with each PEPP investment option.

 Investor Risks

Investment Managers

Provides information on PEPP's investment managers, their background, mandates and investment approach.

 Investment Fund Managers

 Investment Fund Manager Glossary