We are excited to announce that on January 1, 2024, Plannera Pensions & Benefits (Plannera), formerly known as the Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA), started operations.

Learn how we can help.

Complete the My PEPP Investor Profile to assess your attitudes about risk and reward.

Fund Unit Values

How much do you need to retire?

Get an idea with our quick retirement calculator.

Retirement Planning Resources


Did you know?

Regardless of your age or the value of your pension, it’s always important to keep your beneficiary information up to date.


Did you know?

Regardless of your age or the value of your pension, it’s always important to keep your beneficiary information up to date.


Did you know?

Regardless of your age or the value of your pension, it’s always important to keep your beneficiary information up to date.


Did you know?

Regardless of your age or the value of your pension, it’s always important to keep your beneficiary information up to date.

Member Updates

May 17, 2024
Learn the facts and benefits of keeping your funds in PEPP in this new information piece – Why it pays to stay. Read on
May 3, 2024
Access your March 31 member statement through your online account today. Login/Register here
May 2, 2024
Curious about the PEPP Fund’s performance or the latest results from the annual Member Satisfaction Survey? Then take the time to read the spring issue of Pension Perspectives. Read on