T4A’s for VPB members that received payment(s) and terminated members that received a taxable lump sum payout in the 2024 tax reporting period will be mailed by February 17.  T4A’s are also available for download through your online account. 

Fees and Expenses

Investment Fees

Like many other investments, PEPP does not bill you separately for fees. The Plan deducts these expenses from the unit value. Fees vary between investment funds.

All investment options incur a common administration fee. Plus, each option is charged a different investment fee based on the asset mix.

The types of fees reflected in the unit values are:

  • Administration fees - salaries, benefits, computer systems, and general Plan operating expenses, including investment consultant services;
  • Investment custodial fees - safekeeping and transaction fees; and
  • Investment manager fees - managing investments within the Plan.

PEPP's management expense fees tend to be lower compared to outside investments because PEPP calculates its fees on a cost-recovery basis.

Member Transaction Fees

PEPP charges a fee to complete the following:

Transaction Type Effective Date Fee

Maintenance Orders

December 15, 2010

The cost of complying with a maintenance order: $45.

Lump-Sum Transfers (including partial account transfers from PEPP accumulation
to Variable Pension Benefit (VPB) account)

April 1, 2016

Transactions in excess of one per fiscal year (April 1 to March 31): $60.

Marital Breakdown Calculations

September 1, 2009

First estimate is free. Subsequent related calculations: $60 per hour (billed in half-hour increments).

Inter-fund Transfers

April 1, 2014

All transfers completed through PLANet are free of charge.

Transfers in excess of two per fiscal year per manual transaction (requested on an Investment Options form): $30.

In addition, these fees apply to Variable Pension Benefit transactions:

Transaction Type Effective Date Fee

Payment Schedule Change

April 1, 2022

All transactions completed through PLANet are free of charge.

Transactions exceeding one per fiscal year: $30.

Lump-sum Payment Requests

April 1, 2022

All transactions completed through PLANet are free of charge.

Transactions exceeding one per fiscal year: $60.

Change of Fund From Which Payments are Made

April 1, 2022

All transactions completed through PLANet are free of charge.

Transactions exceeding one per fiscal year: $30.