T4A’s for VPB members that received payment(s) and terminated members that received a taxable lump sum payout in the 2024 tax reporting period will be mailed by February 17.  T4A’s are also available for download through your online account. 

Leave of Absence

A Leave of Absence (LOA) is time away from your position that is approved by your employer with the expectation you will return to your home position. You can request a LOA for the following:

  • education leave;
  • materntity or parental leave; or
  • for a secondment.


Your LOA (i.e., education leave, maternity leave, or parental leave) must be approved by your employer.

While you can't contribute to the Plan when you’re on an approved LOA, you have the option of making contributions to the Plan for the period of leave when you return to work.


You have 90 days from your leave end date to start paying back your contributions.

Your employer should provide a Leave of Absence (LOA) Contribution Options form and a quote representing your contributions for the period of leave.

If you wish to contribute to the Plan for your LOA period, you may choose one or more of these options:

  • contribute by payroll deduction in one lump-sum payment or spread out over several consecutive pay periods;
  • contribute by a transfer from your RRSP;
  • contribute a lump-sum payment by personal cheque; or
  • not contribute for the period of leave.

Return the completed form to your employer.

You have the length of the leave or until December 31 of the year after the leave ends, whichever is shorter, to repay the contributions.

Employer Contributions

If you decide to contribute for the leave period, your employer is required to make contributions to the Plan in the same manner you choose, unless otherwise defined in an agreement between you and your employer.

  • If you elect to contribute for the period of leave in a lump sum, your employer must contribute in a lump sum as well.
  • If you elect not to contribute for the period of leave, your employer is not required to contribute for the period of leave.

Secondment Leave of Absence

You may be granted a LOA from one PEPP employer, but continue to work in another position or for another PEPP employer. You and your new PEPP employer will make contributions based on the salary you receive in the new position.

No Leave of Absence (LOA) Contribution Options form is required as contributions will be made for this period at the new position.

Long-term Disability Leaves of Absence

Pension contributions to the Plan will continue if you are eligible for benefits from a disability plan. Your contributions will be based on your salary immediately before you became disabled.

Maximum Leaves of Absence

You may contribute for a maximum of five years of leaves of absence, not including long-term disability leaves. This maximum may be increased by an additional three years for parental leaves.