T4A’s for VPB members that received payment(s) and terminated members that received a taxable lump sum payout in the 2024 tax reporting period will be mailed by February 17.  T4A’s are also available for download through your online account. 

MAY 15, 2023

2022 Member Survey Results

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In October 2022, PEPP conducted a member survey to collect feedback on services provided to members. A random selection of members were invited to complete the survey, and we received 1,390 responses.

Survey Results

A stats board showing the following: 91% quality of customer service, 85% qualify of communication and materials, and 81% administration of pension plan.


Customer Service

We’re pleased to report that 91% of members said they were satisfied with the level of customer service PEPP provides. 

We strive to provide the best service to Plan members. We are Plan members ourselves and headquartered in Saskatchewan, which means we understand the needs of our members from across the Province.

Communications Materials

85% of members surveyed said they were satisfied with the quality of communication and materials provided by PEPP. We offer a range of communications to members, and we saw this reflected in members’ Top 5 preferred communication methods: 

  • Email 71%
  • PEPP Website 41%
  • Telephone 38% 
  • Mail 24%
  • Face-to-face 18%

The top 3 referenced PEPP information resources were:

  • PLANet (your PEPP online account)
  • PEPP website
  • Pension Perspectives newsletter

Plan Administration

The 2022 results showed 81% of members are satisfied with PEPP’s plan administration, which is a downtrend from 2021. We recognize that 2022 was a difficult financial year worldwide, and understand members are concerned about their portfolios. Markets are now trending upward, and we encourage members to actively monitor their fund performances through the PEPP website.

Digital Enhancements

A stat on a blue background reading 53% website improvement.

More than half of Members (53%) who recently visited the PEPP website said it had improved in the last year. We rolled out an updated website (February 2022), and are pleased to see Members have noticed improvements to its design and user friendliness.

Stats on a blue background that read: 75% digital services and 55% paperless statements & newsletters.

76% of surveyed members said they were interested in accessing digitalized PEPP services, and 55% were interested in paperless statements and newsletters. We’re excited to hear this, as PEPP continues to encourage members to go digital to lower our environment impact and save costs.

Who responded to the survey?

A pie chart that contains the following segments: 54% active, 26% pensioner, and 20% inactive.


The majority of responses came from Active members (54%), followed by Pensioners (26%) and Inactive members (20%).

A pie chart that contains the following segments: 53% 55+, 36% 35-54, and 11% 18-34.


Members age 55+ were the biggest age response group (53%), followed by 35-54 (36%) and 18-34 (11%).

A pie chart that contains the following segments: 38% mid-career, 32% post-retirement, 19% pre-retirement, and 10% early career.

Finally, Mid-Career members made up 38% of responses, followed closely by Post-Retirement (32%). The rest consisted of Pre-Retirement (19%) and Early Career (10%).