T4A’s for VPB members that received payment(s) and terminated members that received a taxable lump sum payout in the 2024 tax reporting period will be mailed by February 17.  T4A’s are also available for download through your online account. 


Sessions are facilitated by our Employer Relations Coordinators (ERCs).

If you require more information, please contact one of our coordinators at 306-787-1662 or erc.pepp@plannera.ca.

As a PEPP employer, you are welcome to attend any of the workshops we offer free of charge.

Find the event you are interested in and complete the online registration form. Registrations close 48 hours prior. If there is a specific topic you would like a workshop on, please contact us.

As a participating employer, you play an important role in the daily administration of the Plan on behalf of your employees. PEPP relies on you to:

  • enrol new Plan members;
  • collect, remit and process contribution files through your online employer account; and
  • be a resource for employees.

As the Plan administrator, it is our responsibility to provide you with the tools and resources needed to assist you in performing these tasks.

Our workshops will provide you with instructions and details on how you can perform these tasks easily, correctly and efficiently.