T4A’s for VPB members that received payment(s) and terminated members that received a taxable lump sum payout in the 2024 tax reporting period will be mailed by February 17.  T4A’s are also available for download through your online account. 

Service Standards

The PEPP Board contracts Plannera to carry out the day-to-day administration of PEPP.

Plannera provides all services required to operate, administer and manage the Plan. Service standards are set for some of these services within the contract between the Board and Plannera. Service standards are the level of performance you can reasonably expect under normal business conditions.

Effective April 1, 2024, some of PEPP’s Service Standards changed with a goal of meeting these standards 80% of the time.

Transaction TypeBusiness Days to Process*
Statement on Termination of Membership5
Payment of Termination Benefits5
Statement on Retirement5
Retirement Payments - Leaving Plan10
Retirement Payments - Transfer to VPB / SPAF5
Statement on Death20
Payment of Death Benefits10
Pension Estimates10
Marriage Breakdown Estimates15
Portability Transfer Values20
Inter-fund Transfer11
VPB Lump Sum Payment15

* Business days begin on the day PEPP receives all the required documentation to process your request.

1 Requests initiated trough your online account formerly known as PLANet prior to 2:00 pm (Saskatchewan time) will be processed the following business day.