Attention Variable Pension Benefit Members: Important Year-end Payment Information

As 2024 comes to a close there are timelines you need to be aware of for submitting lump-sum payment requests to ensure your payment is processed within the 2024 tax reporting period.

Understand Your Pension

Welcome to PEPP - Canada's largest defined contribution (DC) pension plan.
Your secure, online account – also known as PLANet, provides you with access to your PEPP pension information.
Learn more about naming a beneficiary for your PEPP account to ensure your death benefits go to those you love.
Here is what you need to know about a breakdown of spousal relationship.
Learn how contributions are made to PEPP along with options for transferring money into the Plan.
Learn more about the investment funds PEPP offers.
As a PEPP or VPB member you may transfer funds from other registered accounts.
The court can order the withdrawal of funds from your account balance to enforce maintenance orders.
Learn more about the process of getting ready for your retirement with PEPP.
A Leave of Absence is time away from your position that is approved by your employer.
Each province sets its own rules regarding pensions. Pension legislation from your province of employment is applied to any pension amounts earned in that province.
Learn how a non-resident of Canada can request a lump-sum payout of their PEPP account
Learn more about PEPP's death benefit if you should pass away before you retire.
PEPP has a provision if you have a terminal illness.
Learn about transaction fees associated with managing your investment funds.
Gain a better understanding of PEPP's Variable Pension Benefit, who's eligible and how the payments are delivered.
Learn what options are available if you leave your job with a PEPP employer.
Plannera provides all services required to operate, administer and manage the Plan. Service standards are set within the contract between the Board and Plannera.

Service & Support





(306) 787-5442
8:00am to 5:00pm - Monday to Friday


General Email

Please allow one business day for a response to an email request.

In Person

8:00am to 5:00pm - Monday to Friday

110 - 1801 Hamilton Street
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 4W3